Ideal Weight Calculator
Please select the gender, enter the height and weight of the person in centimeters and in kilogram. Then click on the calculate button to calculate his/her ideal weight.
What is an ideal weight?
According to doctors an ideal weight would be inside the healthy weight range for women as defined by the Body Mass Index - i.e. a BMI between 19 and 24.9. (See Figure below)

How to calculate ideal weight for men and women?
Ideal weight for both men and women is calculated using a formula given below. The formula also gives you a rate between height and weight.
- Ideal weight for women: 45.5 + 2.3 X (height in inches - 60)
- Ideal weight for men: 50 + 2.3 X (height in inches - 60)
Health Calculators:
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- Ideal Weight Calculator
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